
IPA: fʌmˈɪɫjɝʌzˈeɪʃʌn


  • The act, process or result of familiarizing.

Examples of "familiarization" in Sentences

  • Today, captains often only have the opportunity for a so-called familiarization flight.
  • Clinton's first to Israel and the Palestinian areas since she was appointed Washington's top diplomat, is widely seen as a "familiarization" visit.
  • Besides He may actually like handguns! has anybody ever thought to invite him to a range for a pleasurable afternoon of familiarization with a piece or two?
  • NOT* Addendum: I used a 1911A1 in Viet Nam to good advantage, later before I retired The DOD in it's "wisdom" decided to go with 9mm and I fired one for familiarization I immediately PURCHASE a 1911 just in case I needed it.
  • As Boy Scout marksmanship programs disappear, and marksmanship training withers in our schools due to withering budgets and increasing pressure of potential liability, that spiral will continue among the young who would otherwise be exposed to proper training and familiarization with basic marksmanship.
  • We have the most controversial person ever to be handed the presidency, and he's made it his personal quest to be in the news daily, per Alinsky's "brand familiarization," tactic .... and when he acts, he's continually placed the country deeper and deeper into grave danger of economic, social and military collapse.
  • In short, your self-purposement remains impressive, but your apparent boredom is contagious, and as your submission also suffers from inadequate familiarization with new Piedthoudt Fellowship guidelines your entry's word count 37,423 somewhat exceeds the maximum length for poetry this Committee cannot in good conscience nominate I, I, I for this year's Award.

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synonyms for familiarizationdescribing words for familiarization

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