
IPA: fˈænsɪfʌɫ


  • Imaginative or fantastic; ignoring reality.
  • Unreal or imagined.

Examples of "fanciful" in Sentences

  • Or a place in which the fanciful is allowed to commingle with reality.
  • We must separate the fanciful from the real, or at least make the one subservient to the other.
  • Industrial parks surrounding Hermosillo contain fanciful buildings that feature companies like this Mattel assembly plant.
  • And she saw that Pitt, while he was enthusiastic and eager, and what she called fanciful, always was true, honest, and firm in what he thought right.
  • I have to admit that I like certain fanciful ideas, and some of these I sort of entertain with just a little more than fictive suspension of disbelief for the sake of a good story, despite their being rather more mystical than my materialist instincts.
  • My husband was no believer in what he termed my fanciful, speculative theories; yet at the time when his youngest boy and myself lay dangerously ill, and hardly expected to live, I received from him a letter, written in great haste, which commenced with this sentence:
  • My husband was no believer in what he termed my fanciful, speculative theories; yet at the time when his youngest boy and myself lay dangerously ill, and hardly expected to live, I received from him a letter, written in great haste, which commenced with this sentence: Do write to me, dear S —, when you receive this.
  • On the High Line, the incongruous delight of strolling through a leafy glade three stories above the roaring traffic's boom is made more piquant by the omnipresence of buildings crowded close to both sides of the walkway, especially at those points where it passes beneath a towering new structure and shoots straight through a cavernous old one, recalling the fanciful multilayered Manhattan imagined by illustrators for the turn-of-the-twentieth-century journal King's Views of New York.

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