IPA: fˈæntʌsaɪz
- (intransitive) To indulge in fantasy; to imagine things only possible in fantasy.
- (transitive) To portray in the mind, using fantasy.
Examples of "fantasise" in Sentences
- But he added that some female students still "fantasise" about lecturers.
- The only time I fantasise about stuff like that, is when I pair them up with ME!!
- Even in more mundane circumstances, we can think quite honestly that we are under no obligation not to fantasise.
- Because let's face it, writers are only people, and they write about the things they know and the things they fantasise about.
- "As much as Sheen has lived a life most Chinese men can only fantasise about, our admiration of him can only go so far," says Beijing's Global Times.
- I was on the knife-edge between 'struggling writer' and 'failed writer', doomed to live a life where I could only fantasise about seeing my book on shelves up and down the country.
- Tracy Quan, author of Diary of a Jetsetting Call Girl, and a member of Prostitutes of New York, said: People outside the industry fantasise about prostitution, and their fantasy includes freedom from normal responsibilities.
- "It is evidently pleasing to many people," the demographer J Richard Udry observed dryly in a 1970 paper comprehensively disproving the theory, "to fantasise that when people are trapped by some immobilising event which deprives them of their usual activities, most will turn to copulation".
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