IPA: fˈæntʌsaɪz
- (intransitive) To indulge in fantasy; to imagine things only possible in fantasy.
- (intransitive) To portray in the mind, using fantasy.
Examples of "fantasize" in Sentences
- She's the woman that we all kind of fantasize about being on our most badass days. "
- I guess there aren't many other ways to put it, but "fantasize" just seems so strong.
- It is what tantric practitioners can only fantasize about, but it is not pornographic.
- Call me crazy it's just that I still "fantasize" about being the quarterback, not the General Manager.
- Once they do, you can research dating hot spots and "fantasize" about your "girlfriend" in "dreams" that generate
- If, like many Americans, you fantasize about living inside the July 2008 Pottery Barn catalog, this is your dream house.
- Professor Rose suggests that I "fantasize" Heisenberg's fear that he was in danger of his life from the Gestapo for talking to Bohr.
- So, you know, at home, in the privacy of -- you know, in their living room they can turn that on and kind of fantasize and watch others dance.
- You go, you play around with people who are what you kind of fantasize about being, and you have a fine ol’ time jumping up and down on stage with your new pals.
- These realities, at least to me, are some reasons why I can't "fantasize" some kind of "race play" where I'm in the subordinate position in an interracial relationship.
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