IPA: fˈɑr
- Spelt (a type of wheat, Triticum spelta), especially in the context of Roman use of it.
- (UK, dialect) A litter of piglets; a farrow.
- floor area ratio
- (aviation, proscribed) Initialism of Federal Aviation Regulations.
- (transitive, rare) To send far away.
- Distant; remote in space.
- Remote in time.
- Long.
- More remote of two.
- Extreme, as measured from some central or neutral position.
- Extreme, as a difference in nature or quality.
- (programming, not comparable) Outside the currently selected segment in a segmented memory architecture.
- To, from or over a great distance in space, time or other extent.
- Very much; by a great amount.
Examples of "far" in Sentences
- Personality cults weird me out far *far* more than religious ones.
- That you want it to be harsher and more defined and far *far* less squishy.
- TEL EGRAPH, (TELE, _far off_; GRAPH, _writing or marking_,) a machine to convey news far off.
- Students after that age are far *far* better able to take responsibility and control of their own educations and lives.
- London model we should make society far more general, far more representative, and far -- oh, _far_ -- more interesting!
- They go far, _far_ beyond my most sanguine expectations, and indeed are expressed with such peculiar warmth and kindness as to affect me in the tenderest manner.
- We are disturbed just now here in the far West over the Oriental, Chinese Japanese and Indian crossing the _far_ boundary line between Orient and Occident and coming into the United States and
- No matter how far apart the suns are -- and Father explained to me one day that they are _far_ -- you can go between them faster than you can blink, as long as there's a gatestation at each end.
- I can't remember who pointed out in a livejournal discussion, but that's all I recall that these days the average 20-year-old man has seen far, *far* more women in porn than he has seen naked women in real life.