IPA: fɝˈændoʊɫ
- A lively chain dance in 6/8 time, of Provençal origin.
Examples of "farandole" in Sentences
- The farandole bears similarities to the gavotte, jig, and tarantella.
- Marie Antoinette once declared she had her most enjoyable time at a wild _farandole_ in the Royal Drummer.
- A winding descent by little sheer hills, snakelike curving, in a repeating, involved rhythm like a farandole.
- Borie used to amuse himself, and the inhabitants of Nismes, by dancing what he called a farandole round the Guillotine in his legislative costume. ”
- -- Borie used to amuse himself, and the inhabitants of Nismes, by dancing what he called a farandole round the Guillotine in his legislative costume.
- My OED also mentions the carmagnole as a peasant jacket, and additionally, from the encyclopedia: The farandole is an open-chain community dance popular in the County of Nice, France.
- In saucy improvised couplets the troubadour called upon one and another to join the dancing, until before any one quite knew what was happening, the company in the lower hall was drawn into a winding lengthening line following the leaders in a sort of farandole.