IPA: fɝˈinʌ
- A fine flour or meal made from cereal grains or from the starch or fecula of vegetables, extracted by various processes, and used in cookery.
- A particular grade of wheat meal, commonly used as hot breakfast cereal in North America.
- Hot breakfast cereal made from prepared farina in milk, more commonly known by the trademark name Cream of Wheat.
- A surname from Italian.
Examples of "farina" in Sentences
- The unprepared farina, which is the pith of the sago palm, is imported from a neighbouring island.
- -- The wheat preparation called farina is very much the same as cream of wheat, being manufactured in practically the same manner.
- It stands for rava or cream of wheat (coarsely ground wheat also known as "farina" or "semolina"), a pantry staple in most Indian households.
- Being an American ship we didn't have oatmeal for breakfast but were served what they called farina which many years later I discovered to be cream of wheat.
- She makes some stuff which she calls farina out of it, and grieves bitterly that she is no longer young and spry enough to gather it for herself along the shore.
- For example, sago reaches a fairly stable viscosity after vigorous boiling for a period of about two hours while farina, which is very thick when first boiled, rapidly loses viscosity as boiling proceeds.
- The rather soft, smooth cereals, such as farina and cream of rice, are to be measured in just the same way, but they need not be cooked overnight; only put on in a double boiler in the morning for an hour.
- Their food consisted of rice, or farina, which is flour made from the cassada, a species of potato boiled, or calabancies, a kind of bean; occasionally a small quantity of salt beef, fish, or chillies, was served out to them as a relish.
- Of this the capsule, about an inch in length, is covered with soft prickles or hair, opens like a bivalve shell, and contains in its cavities a dozen or more seeds, the size of grape-stones, thickly covered with a reddish farina, which is the part that constitutes the dye.