IPA: fˈɑrɪnˈeɪʃʌs
- Made from, or rich in, starch or flour.
- Having a floury texture; grainy.
Examples of "farinaceous" in Sentences
- West of Egypt, couscous is the farinaceous starch.
- When there is a farinaceous sediment in the urine during fever, it indicates a protracted illness.
- The basis of all soup is stock, and in making stock we, of course, have to depend upon vegetables, fruit, or some kind of farinaceous food.
- But farinaceous sediments in the urine are bad, and still worse are the leafy; the white and thin are very bad, but the furfuraceous are still worse than these.
- He regarded ‘the chief cause of corpulence as a diet with starchy and farinaceous elements’ which he said ‘was no less fattening when conveyed in drinks, such as beer’.
- On the tenth, no drink taken; comatose, sleep slight; alvine discharges the same; urine abundant, and thickish; when allowed to stand, the sediment farinaceous and white; extremities again cold.
- The formal breakfast differed slightly from an early luncheon, except that the menu made up of was distinctly breakfast dishes: Toast, hot muffins, omelets and other preparations of eggs, delicate farinaceous foods, cafe au lait, etc.
- Unfortunately, the nature of the blight which has seized upon this tuber has eluded the most careful inquiries; but it has been shown by well-conducted analyses that potatoes at their late prices are the most expensive kind of farinaceous food.
- For the transcriber, the collection is a treasure trove of little discoveries -- the antiquated use of "farinaceous" instead of today's "pasta"; the remarkable preponderance of oyster dishes; the revelation that steaks cost twenty-five cents, not twenty-five dollars.
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