
IPA: fˈɛroʊ


  • A litter of piglets.
  • A surname.
  • A former community in Vulcan County, Alberta, Canada.


  • To give birth to a (litter of piglets).


  • (of cows) Not pregnant; not producing young (not calving) in a given season or year; barren.

Examples of "farrow" in Sentences

  • With Sy being a vegetarian and Howard Jewish, the pig was sure to live a long life unlike his farrow.
  • I remember as kid eating farrow porridge for breakfast.. and I got some spelt berries and cooked them and was like..
  • Director Roman Polanski hit the zietgeist with this psychological horror classic, in which Mia farrow gives birth to the spawn of Satan.
  • And Wendell Davison of Garner grow from a 150-sow, farrow-to-finish operation to 11,000 finishing spaces, over his neighbors 'objections.
  • His earlier description of Ireland, "the old sow that eats her farrow," is acted out in the Circe's disorderly house, where men are figuratively turned into swine.
  • In my book Animal Factory, I write about how farmers in Sweden have developed humane ways for pregnant sows to gestate and "farrow" -- or give birth and nurse their young.
  • The facility, owned by Agrivest Inc., the largest farrow to finish hog producer in Montgomery County which produces more than 100,000 hogs annually, is still in operation.
  • Senator Luther Christopher Tucker, Sr., was a member of the Pork Chop Gang, a farrow of rural legislators, in the ′50s and ′60s who took up a disproportionate amount of space at the public trough.
  • So far, it has helped farmer Andy Muff of Ventura convert his family's small farrow-to-finish farm to a contract finishing operation replete with a 1,000-head "confinement nursery" and an additional 3,000 pig spaces.

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