IPA: fɑstʃˈoʊɫʌ
- (anatomy) A band of grey matter bordering the fimbria in the brain; the dentate convolution.
Examples of "fasciola" in Sentences
- _Amphileptus fasciola_ Ehr. '38; Dujardin' 41; Lachmann
- A map with the potential evolution of fasciola hepatica in switzerland
- The parasite (fasciola hepatica) uses a snail called lymnea truncatula as intermediate host for its development.
- The supracallosal gyrus is prolonged around the splenium of the corpus callosum as a delicate lamina, the fasciola cinerea, which is continuous below with the fascia dentata hippocampi.
- The thickened edge of gray substance becomes the gyrus dentatus, the fasciola cinerea and the supra - and subcallosal gyri, while the free edge of the white substance forms the fimbria hippocampi and the body and crus of the fornix.
- When followed backward the dentate gyrus separates from the fimbria at the splenium, loses its incisions and knobs, and as the fasciola cinerea passes over the splenium onto the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum and spreads out into a thin layer of gray substance known as the indusium, which can be traced forward around the genu of the corpus callosum into the gyrus subcallosus.
- Indè iui in Chaldaeam quæ est regnum magnum, et transiui iuxta turrim Babel: Haec regio suam linguam propriam habet, et ibi sunt homines formosi, et foeminæ turpes: et homines illius regionis vadunt compti crinibus, et ornati, vt hîc mulieres, et portant super capita sua fasciola aurea cum gemmis, et margaritis; mulieres verò solum vnam vilem camisiam attingentem vsque ad genua, habentem manicas longas et largas, quæ vsque ad terram protenduntur: Et vadunt discalceatæ portantes Serablans vsque ad terram.