
IPA: fˈæʃʌnʌbɫi


  • In a fashionable manner.

Examples of "fashionably" in Sentences

  • And by "fashionably" I mean really, really, embarrassingly late.
  • Pretty ladies in fashionably pitched bonnets smiled, and said, One of your little ones, Mrs. Buller?
  • First of all, Muslims don't have ministers, and the imams and religious leaders they do have don't dress "fashionably" at all.
  • Motrin ran an ad that targeted young mothers thought to be in physical pain from "fashionably" carrying children in wearable carriers.
  • I knew that Cindy was upstairs, all dressed and ready, waiting to be "fashionably" late and impress everyone when finally she drifted down the stairs.
  • I say "fashionably" because this was the early '90s, the height of a particular kind of political correctness, and it was becoming fashionable, in response, to talk about how much feminism sucked.
  • However, the term "fashionably late" has now expanded to envelope more than a 15-minute tardiness to a dinner, but instead into every aspect of our chaotic lives from blowouts to coffees with a friend.
  • The term fashionably late was given new meaning at the Lanvin Spring/Summer 2011 show in Paris Friday evening, when a host of fashion editors were kept dawdling outside a warehouse for over an hour in the rain while last-minute rehearsals continued inside.
  • Karen, who is dressed in fashionably frumpy thrift-shop attire and uses epithets with no concern to where they are placed in a sentence, reminds Teo that he is clearly not serious and later suggests that he try to find a new man via the personals in the Village Voice.
  • The fact that we still think of Keats as a canonical author, an inevitable, and, in fashionably theoretical terms, unwelcome, jaded presence in our curriculum may have something to do with the separation between research and teaching which has become part of our profession.

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