IPA: fˈæsʌnd
- firmly closed or secured
- intent and directed steadily
- fastened with strings or cords
- furnished or closed with buttons or something buttonlike
Examples of "fastened" in Sentences
- You will find the label fastened to the handle-bar.
- Had not her name fastened for long enough on my heart, sucking it dry?
- But for the safety pin fastened to his left eyebrow, he looked like a neo-Nazi skinhead.
- Young trees purchased from the nursery generally have a label fastened to them with a piece of wire.
- The designation fastened upon us as a stigma was a fraud from the beginning, a conscious fraud and a malicious invention.
- He looked down at himself and noticed that he had on only a rope around his waist with a strip of cloth fastened from the front to the back.
- It would have been a shock had he not seen it before and been familiar with the label fastened to the breastbone reciting that this had once been Flat Nose George, an early day desperado of the high country.
- In the earlier of them the mythical Brazil, a relic perhaps of the lost Atlantis, lay a regularly and mystically blue island off the west coast of Ireland; then the Azores were discovered and the name fastened on to one of the islands of that archipelago.
- Michel had my portmanteau fastened on my horse, which had been brought out into the courtyard, and then he stood by me while I took my last breakfast in La Tournoire; and, in my haste to be off, I would have eaten little had he not pressed much upon me, reminding me how many leagues I would have to ride before meeting a good inn on the Paris road.
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