IPA: fæstˈɪdiʌs
- Excessively particular, demanding, or fussy about details, especially about tidiness and cleanliness.
- Overly concerned about tidiness and cleanliness.
- Difficult to please; quick to find fault.
Examples of "fastidious" in Sentences
- They are called fastidious and I think their problems have something to do with ASD.
- He stopped to wait for the prisoners to pass, his expression fastidious and filled with contempt.
- His palate is tender, and, in one sense, might be called fastidious; nothing is more sensitive or more easily shocked.
- Ward had certain fastidious instincts, and he rebelled inwardly at eating, sleeping, and cooking all in one small room.
- And they'd be especially outraged because the cops hadn't treated me with the kind of fastidious, hands-off politeness that they'd never expect from a retail clerk.
- In the courtyard I saw a little cart, with iron brakes underneath it, such as fastidious people use to deaden the jolting of the road; but few men under a lord or baronet would be so particular.
- Knight had already indicated a correlation of the need of micro-organisms for "growth-factors" with failure of synthesis, and correlated this failure with evolution, particularly in relation to the complex environment of "fastidious" pathogenic micro-organisms.
- Ramsey was already dangerously distended, as an effect of the earlier part of her discourse, and the word "fastidious" almost exploded him; but upon the climax, "Dora Yocum," he blew up with a shattering report and, leaving fragments of incoherence ricocheting behind him, fled shuddering from the house.
- Aware of their importance to herself, she carefully cherished, but never made them subjects of conversation, nor gave the world an opportunity of censuring what they would have termed her fastidious notions; her religious opinions were never obtruded upon slight acquaintance, and it was only her more particular friends who, beside her family, could form any judgment of her principles, save from her moral conduct.
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