IPA: fˈɔɫtfaɪndɝ
- A person who finds fault
Examples of "faultfinder" in Sentences
- The internal critic is your automatic faultfinder.
- When Job complains, God says, Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty?
- On the whole, however, the critic is far less of a professional faultfinder than is sometimes imagined.
- If I were a critical faultfinder, keeping an account of everything she did wrong, then our relationship would suffer.
- The noon whistles blew before Sam's task was finished, but by the time he departed for lunch there was made a bed of such quality that Whitey must needs have been born faultfinder if he complained of it.
- He was never a mere faultfinder, but he was endowed with the gifts of imagination and sympathy, leading him to feel himself a part of every situation he was placed in, and with the irrepressible impulse to action driving him to take upon himself the burden of it.