IPA: fˈɛðɝɪŋ
- Plumage.
- A feathered texture.
- The fitting of feathers to arrows.
- (architecture) An arrangement of small arcs or foils separated by projecting cusps, frequently forming the feather-like ornament on the inner mouldings of arches.
- Visible offshoots of the trails of ink written on overly absorbent paper.
Examples of "feathering" in Sentences
- What joy there is to be found in feathering a nest.
- So this is our first sort of glimpse of early penguin feathering.
- CONAN: And as you point out, tarring and feathering is an expression.
- A good tar and feathering is in order for the top dogs in the Bush administration.
- Tarring and feathering is an option — it is equally humiliating and far more painful.
- Eastward, a thick fir wood grew, beginning with tiny treelets just feathering from the grass, and grading up therefrom to the tall veterans of the mid-grove, unbrokenly and evenly, giving the effect of a solid, sloping green wall, so beautifully compact that it looked as if it had been clipped into its velvet surface by art.
-  “This confirms our belief that the interests of the Iraqi regime lies in feathering its own nests and it casts doubts on its commitment to providing humanitarian relief to the people, †he said. “It undermines the efforts of governments such as Britain to provide relief for the Iraqi people under the oil-for-food program. â€