IPA: fˈɛðɝi
- (furry fandom) Someone who roleplays or describes themselves as being a bird or bird-like animal character with human characteristics.
- Resembling feathers.
- Covered with feathers.
Examples of "feathery" in Sentences
- As far as the feathery biscuits are concerned, the word feathery says it all.
- We pulled a toothpick through the frosting to give the feathers a more "feathery" appearance.
- Obviously substituting in 150g of the more 'feathery' original Splenda would be out of the question.
- In 1973, a hailstorm in Arkansas encased ducks in so much ice they were described as feathery bowling balls.
- At their distance from the shore it was impossible to make out the individual trees, but there seemed to be clumps of noble pines some distance in, and the valleys were made ornamental with some kind of feathery growth.