IPA: fˈɛbrʌfjudʒ
- (pharmacology) Synonym of antipyretic (“a fever-reducing medication”)
Examples of "febrifuge" in Sentences
- Italian, but could understand that the cordial was a febrifuge of some sort.
- -- The bark of the trunk is well known as a febrifuge and emmenagogue in India.
- ‘There is fever here, sister,’ she said; ‘Richard must call Ambrose, and we must send some of the febrifuge.’
- He still would take no food but had a little milk, and swallowed without protest another dose of my febrifuge.
- “If before tomorrow morning we have not given him a more energetic febrifuge,” said the reporter, “Herbert will be dead.”
- The water in which it was dipped operated as a styptic, as a febrifuge, and possessed other properties as a medical talisman.
- It is certain that we have got the knowledge of the most potent febrifuge in our pharmacopoeia from the natives of another country.
- Mukundukundu: a decoction used as a febrifuge in the same way as quinine; it grows plentifully at Shupanga, and the wood is used as masts for launches.
- His mother evidently expected that both he and she herself would be relieved on the spot, but the Apothecary durst not be hopeful, though he gave the child a draught which he called a febrifuge, and which put him to sleep, and bade the lady take another of the like if she wished for a good night's rest.