IPA: fˈiɫɝ
- (literally) Someone or something that feels.
- (anatomy) An antenna or appendage used for feeling, especially on an insect.
- (figuratively) Something ventured to test another's feelings, opinion, or position.
- (Philippines) Someone who assumes or imagines that one's affection is reciprocated, indulges in one's own wishful thinking, or flatters oneself
Examples of "feeler" in Sentences
- "feeler" -- the advance agent of the selling campaign.
- 22 This referred to a feeler from a retired Wall Street capitalist.
- The battle of the preceding day had been a sort of "feeler" -- now the real struggle came.
- When she got a feeler from the two-year-old online auction business, she hadn't expected to be interested.
- When she first got a feeler from the two-year-old online auction business, she hadn't expected to be interested.
- Its detector 'feeler' converted brainwaves into visible swirls of colour and symbolic iridescent forms onto a large screen.
- The accident occurred late Tuesday Feb. 8, when a tool known as a feeler gauge, which is made up of 13 thin strips of metal held together by a screw, came apart.
- Apparently this was less a matured plan than a "feeler," put out to sound British attitude and to learn, if possible, whether the tie previously binding England and