
IPA: fˈɛɫʌ


  • A peasant, farmer or agricultural laborer in the Middle East and North Africa.
  • Alternative spelling of fella [(informal) Used as a term of address for a male person.]

Examples of "fellah" in Sentences

  • [6] A fellah is a peasant, one of the labouring class, just above the slave.
  • The great man remained a big man to the last days of the Ptolemies, and the fellah was always a dwarf. 6
  • I have described one of the poorest of the "fellah" villages, but the traveller is often more luxuriously housed.
  • "All right sir, pass in sir, excuse me sir," says my very polite guard, and a "fellah" that "knows the ropes," is admitted.
  • Though I am in truth a Turk, and those who serve and rob me here are Turks, yet the fellah is the same as he was five thousand years ago.
  • "Wal, Tom he lay there a waitin '; and he waited and waited and waited, till he' most got asleep; but finally he heard a stirrin 'in the box, as if the fellah was a gettin' up.
  • Some kind of agent character Grosvenor muses on 'fellah' cultures that become too conservative and resistant and violent against change, and then uses superpowers to take over the ship.

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