IPA: fˈɛmʌnɪst
- an advocate of feminism; a person who believes in bringing about the equality of the sexes (of women and men) in all aspects of public and private life
- a member of a feminist political movement
- relating to or in accordance with feminism.
Examples of "feminist" in Sentences
- Ross Douthat wrote about the debate over the term "feminist" in the NY Times:
- Douthat argues that "whether or not Palin or Fiorina or Haley can legitimately claim the label feminist, their rise is a testament to the overall triumph of the women's movement."
- I feel certain that they would not use the word feminist to describe themselves, but nonetheless, they have a growing awareness of the fact that the welfare of children is often tied to the political power of women.
- When I use the word feminist to describe myself to my sons, I do not affix any adjective or prefix—radical, global, Marxist, Amazon, post- etc.—nor do I discuss historical waves unless it comes up in a specific context such as suffrage or Roe v.