IPA: fˈɛmʌnʌzˈeɪʃʌn
- The act of feminizing, or the state of being feminized.
- (biology) The development of female sex characteristics.
Examples of "feminization" in Sentences
- Many people are aware of the phenomenon known as feminization of poverty.
- At this point Equiano's Christian masochism reveals itself to be integrally connected to a certain feminization.
- The so-called feminization of America really the slow movement toward equality is reflected in most sports, many boardrooms, and the military.
- Black women represent the very term feminization of poverty and when responsible for raising a child, motherhood and race combine in many instances to create abject poverty.
- We continually speak about the fact that women make 70 cents to every dollar a man makes and yet we refuse to acknowledge more than lip service to the term feminization of poverty.
- At the start of his career, one recurring theme of his work was the lampooning of the so-called feminization of American culture as men abandoned hard labor to work for corporations.