IPA: fˈɛnʌɫ
- A plant, Foeniculum vulgare, of the parsley family, which has a sweet, anise-like flavor.
- (cooking) The bulb, leaves, or stalks of the plant, eaten as a vegetable.
- (cooking) The seeds of the fennel plant used as a spice in cooking.
- A surname.
Examples of "fennel" in Sentences
- Cover, reduce the heat and simmer until the fennel is tender.
- Cook, stirring frequently, until the fennel is golden brown and almost done.
- I have tried telling her that she might want to call it "fennel", but to no avail.
- Hmm. The plant that we would call fennel is called anisillo (at least here in Michoacán).
- It makes sense the Spaniards would have brought in fennel as it is widely used around the mediterranean.