IPA: fˈɝgʌsʌnaɪt
- A mineral composed of oxides of various rare earth elements.
Examples of "fergusonite" in Sentences
- It is important to realize that the tantalum, niobium and zirconium production does not involve significant extra costs as they occur in the same mineral phases that contain the heavy rare earths (zircon and fergusonite).
- By contrast, Dotson Ridge is characterized by steeply dipping pegmatitic and aplitic dikes variably mineralized with REE minerals including kainosite, xenotime, allanite, bastnaesite, thalenite, synchisite, and fergusonite.
- Fourth, about four litres of helium were prepared from fergusonite; and this gas was fractionally diffused during about three months, in the hope of obtaining heavier fractions, which might contain the looked-for gases; for they would certainly betray themselves by their spectra, if present.