IPA: fˈɛriʌ
- A weekday on a Church calendar on which no feast is observed.
- A surname.
Examples of "feria" in Sentences
- The feria is a regional celebration, usually of a particular town or village.
- FYI, the "perya" is the annual fair, in Spanish "feria," (often held during the Christmas season).
- Today the term feria is used to denote the days of the week with the exception of Sunday and Saturday.
- The old use of the word feria, for feast day, is lost, except in the derivative feriatio, which is equivalent to our of obligation.
- This past Wednesday at the Healing Mass at St. Alban's, there was no saint commemorated on the kalendar for that day what we call a feria, so we had a votive Mass for the Sick.