
IPA: fˈɛrmiʌn


  • (particle physics, Standard Model) Any elementary or composite particle that has half-integer spin and thus obeys Fermi–Dirac statistics and the Pauli exclusion principle (equivalently, a particle for which the wavefunction of any system of identical such particles changes sign whenever two are swapped); a baryon, a lepton or a quark;

Examples of "fermion" in Sentences

  • The phase here is between a heavy fermion and light fermions in an anti-ferromagnetic state.
  • It think these internal fermion degrees of freedom behave as Landau electrons around a quantum critical point.
  • Assuming that this is no error, then the term "fermion" is ambiguous between elementary particle and composite particle.
  • The mass scale characterizing each Kaluza-Klein tower can be chosen independently for each species of scalar, fermion, or gauge boson.
  • The existence of the superpartner to the Higgs and the fermion field at about the same mass scale results in the cancellation of these divergences.
  • In that language there is no fermion propagator and no Higgs insertion - the effect of the Higgs has been summed into our definition of the massive fermion.
  • At low energies the Higgs gets a vacuum expectation value, and acts like a mass term, converting the left-handed fermion into a right-handed fermion, which is what you want.
  • So a Higgs field that couples to the fermion field f and its conjugate f-bar according to an interaction term in the Lagrangian ~ f-barHf, will carry the Higgs divergence as well.
  • Also, one assumes the duality accounts for the discrete spectrum of possible fermion rest masses (perhaps corresponding to a discrete spectrum of possible closed black hole assemblies?)
  • The paper laid the basis for describing one of the two categories of the elementary particles that make up an atom - one was boson, and the other came to be known as fermion, after the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi.

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