IPA: fɝˈoʊʃɪsɫi
- In a ferocious manner, particularly violent and aggressive.
- Intensely or extremely.
Examples of "ferociously" in Sentences
- BBC business editor Robert Peston said the pay of top business leaders was "ferociously" complicated.
- And in two minutes, four seconds it was over: Louis attacked ferociously from the opening bell, knocking down Schmeling three times before the referee finally stopped it.
- My "translation" of it as "bit-by-bit -- ferociously" is just a paraphrase of "step-by-step -- courageously" which was the translation given by Alan Boyle at his Cosmic Log.
- The Black Bear School was not a formal institution but a group of men who met in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park to play what Ashley calls a ferociously macho, intensely competitive brand of chess.
- Obama campaign manager David Plouffe told reporters on a conference call that the Clinton campaign is contesting the state "ferociously," adding: "I believe they think they can win it and that's what they're trying to do."
- A disappointed Tony Abbott vowed the Coalition would continue to "ferociously" hold Labor to account after he watched his chance of becoming prime minister disappear as key independents sided with Labor to form government on Tuesday.
- But the battlefield where the war between preservation and commerce now rages most ferociously is the Wilderness, in Orange County, Virginia, where in May of 1864, the two armies took 28,000 casualties, some of them wounded men who were incinerated in a forest fire.
- Of course the lamentable story had to be told over again, with all its dismal accompaniments of tears, sighs, and plaintive ejaculations; and it was curious to observe, as the narrative proceeded, how the widow's charming eyes flashed and sparkled, and her cheeks glowed with indignation, till she looked, to use Edouard le Blanc's expression, 'ferociously' handsome.
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