
IPA: fˈɛraɪsˈaɪʌnaɪd


  • (inorganic chemistry) Any of various salts containing the trivalent anion Fe(CN)₆³⁻; used in making blue pigments.
  • (inorganic chemistry) A complex ion in which a central ferric iron atom is surrounded by six cyanide ions.

Examples of "ferricyanide" in Sentences

  • He was also known to print images down to black and use potassium ferricyanide or bleach to reveal only the areas he wished to show.
  • The excitement of exposing and watching a print develop and then working on the print with ferricyanide after the fix kept my eyes occupied.
  • If, however, only a portion of the print needs reduction, this can be effected by applying the ferricyanide solution locally with a brush or bit of absorbent cotton.
  • Expose until the image is visible, then develop by floating on a solution of potassium ferricyanide at 5 per 100 of water — the image appears at once with a rich brown color.
  • While similar actions today are considered unethical, it was common practice in newspaper and magazine darkrooms to have potassium ferricyanide next to spotting pigment bottles.
  • A very dense negative, for instance, may be reduced either with the ferricyanide of potash or persulphate of ammonia reducer; and a thin negative with proper graduations can frequently be intensified to advantage in the print.
  • Irradiation of melanin for 20 min increased the velocity of the NADH/ferricyanide coupled reaction 3-fold in comparison to that measured for non-irradiated melanin, while 40 min irradiation had an even larger effect, causing a 4-fold increase in velocity (Table 1).
  • As good a formula as any is: Potass ferricyanide, 300 grains; potass bromide, 100 grains, water 20 ounces; Ammonium bromide may be used in place of the potassium salt in the above formula; the difference is not marked, but the ammonium compound tends to give a somewhat warmer brown or sepia.

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