IPA: fˈɛri
- A ship used to transport people, smaller vehicles and goods from one port to another, usually on a regular schedule.
- A place where passengers are transported across water in such a ship.
- The legal right or franchise that entitles a corporate body or an individual to operate such a service.
- A surname.
- A census-designated place in Denali Borough, Alaska, United States.
- A township in Oceana County, Michigan, United States, named after Thomas W. Ferry.
- An unincorporated community in Greene County, Ohio, United States.
- (transitive) To carry; transport; convey.
- (transitive) To move someone or something from one place to another, usually repeatedly.
- (transitive) To carry or transport over a contracted body of water, as a river or strait, in a boat or other floating conveyance plying between opposite shores.
- (intransitive) To pass over water in a boat or by ferry.
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