IPA: fˈɝtʌɫaɪz
- Non-Oxford British English standard spelling of fertilize. [To make (the soil) more fertile by adding nutrients to it.]
Examples of "fertilise" in Sentences
- The damage may reduce fertility by lowering sperm counts or reducing the sperm's ability to fertilise a woman's eggs.
- A fourth parent – the man whose sperm was used to fertilise the donor egg – was involved, but none of his DNA was passed on.
- London, Nov 13 (ANI): Peeing on the compost heap can help fertilise gardens and save on flushing the lavatory, a UK charity has urged.
- The ‘transplant’ technique, which is described in the journal Nature, involves using IVF techniques to fertilise an egg from a healthy donor.
- Botanists have discovered for the first time that the plants are carnivorous predators who kill insects in order to ‘self-fertilise’ themselves.
- Living things provide humankind's food, fabric, fibre and pharmaceuticals; they fertilise and pollinate crops, generate oxygen and recycle water.
- Li believes that males evolved to lose their palps because the strategy allowed them to fertilise females even if the organ was broken off in seconds or the female ate the male alive.
- It took almost two decades of basic scientific study of the life cycle of human eggs before Edwards and his colleagues, in 1969, were able to successfully fertilise them outside the human body.
- An expedition including British scientists that hoped to "fertilise" the ocean to combat global warming was last night ordered to stop because of concerns that the experiment could breach international law.
- Breland, who plans to canvass door-to-door "down to the wire" said the prohibitions on frozen embryos – and the restriction on the number of eggs a physician is allowed to fertilise – is in effect a ban on IVF.
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