
IPA: fɝtˈɪɫʌti


  • (uncountable) The condition, or the degree, of being fertile.
  • (countable) The birthrate of a population; the number of live births per 1000 people per year.
  • The average number of births per woman within a population.

Examples of "fertility" in Sentences

  • If fertility is not a medical problem, then dunno what is.
  • Today’s fall in fertility is both very large and very fast.
  • Mexican fertility is declining so fast we may run out of them.
  • The streams are so low in fertility that the few that do survive don't do well.
  • Well for those with a mere grade school education, fertility is a major component of public health.
  • After all, look at when we had a huge jump in fertility, the 20 year 'baby boom', a time of very low immigration!
  • — If They Don 't Look at It Notwithstanding a few oldsters sitting in fertility clinics with their young wives, baby boomers are pretty much done with reproduction.
  • People such as Steyn that talk about collapse usually refer to demographic and cultural factors, not economic ones (Steyn also does not seem to understand that white-non Hispanic fertility is as low in the US as in most Europe).
  • _ They are thus both encouraged and enabled to increase this surplus produce by a further improvement and better cultivation of the land; and _as the fertility of the land has given birth to the manufacture, so the progress of the manufacture reacts upon the land, and increases still further its fertility_.

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synonyms for fertilitydescribing words for fertility

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