IPA: fˈɛstˈukʌ
- fescue grass
Examples of "festuca" in Sentences
- So _advocatus_ (_Mil. _ 663), _festuca_ (_Mil. _ 961), _lege agito_ (_Mil.
- Iris reticulata ‘Harmony’ with heuchera ‘Amethyst Myst’ and blue fescue, festuca glauca, ‘Elijah Blue’.
- A lone allium caeruleum amid blue fescue, festuca glauca ‘Elijah Blue’ and forget me nots,myosotis alpestris.
- The blue fescue, festuca glauca ‘Elijah Blue’, is looking suspiciously large as is the dianthus and mondo grass.
- We found here several springs, and the hill-side was well sprinkled with a species of _festuca_ -- a better grass than we had found for many days.
- Thanks for the kind words, the festuca and gaillardia are actually in the ground, it is a combination that loves the heat of summer and gives good color all year.
- If you're thinking of removing a section of lawn and replacing it with low-maintenance plants, some easy perennials that spread far and wide are yarrow, chamomile, erigeron, festuca, gaura, Stachys and creeping thyme.
- The mountains were covered with good bunch-grass, (_festuca_;) the water of the streams was cold and pure; their bottoms were handsomely wooded with various kinds of trees; and huge and lofty picturesque precipices where the river cut through the mountain.