IPA: fˈɛt
- (obsolete) A piece.
- (electronics) Initialism of field effect transistor.
- (historical, politics) Ellipsis of FET y de las JONS (political party in Francoist Spain).
- (BDSM, slang) Clipping of fetish. [Something which is believed to possess, contain, or cause spiritual or magical powers; an amulet or a talisman.]
- (obsolete) To fetch.
Examples of "fet" in Sentences
- De fet, la nit del divendres fou, primer de tot, social.
- Només em queda agraïr als dos mitjans la difusió que han fet del Club.
- De fet, a casa tenim una biblioteca familiar de la qual estic molt orgullós.
- La veu que es genera és força freda, impersonal i metàl·lica … però per ara ja fa el fet.
- De les Nits a què vaig poder anar, que no a totes, he fet fotografies, que podeu trobar al meu Flickr.
- Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes ........ time for Norm Coleman to go jump in one of them. fet up
- Personalment, ja he fet una mini-presentació de Blocaires Ebrencs, i ara han de parlar Atictes, TIC Tarragona i el CitiLab.
- As it was clear over time ole 4 1/w may well be about 4 1/2 fet tall with a little PP complex as big as the 18 wheeler we think he drives.
- Eumnestês was a very old man, decrepit and half blind, a "man of infinite remembrance, who things foregone through many ages held," but when unable to "fet" what he wanted, was helped by a little boy yclept