IPA: fˈitɝ
- An unpleasant smell.
Examples of "fetor" in Sentences
- The lather and fetor of horse sweat, the whitened eyes.
- Harry and Giselle sank into the cat hair and fetor of his double bed.
- It appeared to be opaque glass, but it exuded the pungent fetor of magick.
- It is a fetor that frequently accompanies the predictable libidinous lapses of pious "family values" conservatives.
- It is a fetor that frequently accompanies the predictable libidinous lapses of pious \ "family values\" conservatives.
- This is the raw, cutting odor of the jungle, the gash of the tropics, the fetor of equatorial darkness, the essence of everything Western civilization glosses over, dyes and tries to not think about.