IPA: fˈɛtɝ
- A chain or similar object used to bind a person or animal – often by its legs (usually in plural).
- (figurative) Anything that restricts or restrains.
- A surname.
- (transitive) To shackle or bind up with fetters.
- (transitive) To restrain or impede; to hamper.
Examples of "fetter" in Sentences
- Thursday (called in French Jeudi gras and in German fetter Donnerstag
- It never will save a man from sin; never break a fetter, or dash away a wine-cup.
- "fetter" on the technological means of production, a fetter that is ready to be burst asunder.
- For those who perceive the latter, the novel's bleak horror will leave a bruise on the mind, a fetter on the heart.
- Wise people do not call that a strong fetter which is made of iron, wood, or hemp; far stronger is the care for precious stones and rings, for sons and a wife.
- Capitalist property, private property in the means of production, the profit system itself, had become a "fetter" on the further development of the productive forces.
- Shyness hitherto had been no infirmity of this young Canadian; but Bertie somehow had mesmerized her into a state of consciousness -- it was a cobwebby kind of fetter, but the first she had worn.
- If you propose to become a tyrant over him, ... do your best to poison him with a theory of morals against nature; impose every kind of fetter on him; embarrass his movements with a thousand obstacles; place phantoms around him to frighten him ....
- They are as stanch and resolved in their hatred of the domestic institution as when we abolished the accursed slave traffic; as when, at a vast sacrifice, both of money and of colonial prosperity, we struck the last fetter from the last English slave; as when the women of England, half a million strong, sent out a generous if not a wise remonstrance to the women of America.