
IPA: fˈitʌs


  • An unborn or unhatched vertebrate showing signs of the mature animal.
  • A human embryo after the eighth week of gestation.
  • (archaic) A neonate

Examples of "fetus" in Sentences

  • Ok, I'm not sorry, if you think a fetus is a baby, then you really are a moron (and a retard).
  • And in many late term cases, the fetus is already dead or not viable. pseudonymous in nc says:
  • Because the fetus is the one to initially infringe on the most fundamental right of all, the right to bodily integrity.
  • Even if you disagree that a fetus is a human life that early, can you not at least be civil and respect that as our position?
  • The proposed law does not clearly define the term fetus, nor does it make clear at what stage of pregnancy a prosecution could occur.
  • Another bill, HB 2035, would require minors to obtain parental consent before an abortion and change the term "fetus" to "unborn child."
  • Due to abortion being such a scared cow and the denial that a fetus is anything but a parasitic clump of cells, so much actual scientific reality if obscured.
  • It makes no sense to say that a fetus is a human person deserving of legal protection on the Rhode Island side of the border, but not on the Massachusetts side.
  • *I understand not everyone thinks abortion is murder, and some people would use the term fetus and not baby, but I am just working through what Sydney Carton said in the above comment.
  • If you think a fetus is a human being then that is true whether than fetus is in Selma, Alabama (where I graduated from high school – GO SAINTS!) in Seattle or Sydney, Santiago, Salzberg, or Shanghai.

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synonyms for fetusdescribing words for fetus

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