
IPA: fjˈudʌtɔri


  • A feudal vassal.
  • A feudal territory, a fief.
  • A fee paid by such a vassal to hold land.


  • Relating to feudalism, feudal.

Examples of "feudatory" in Sentences

  • They were the property of his feudatory, the (black) “Marquess of Pemba” (Bembe):
  • There is a prodigious difference between the oblat of a saint and the feudatory of a bishop.
  • He declared himself feudatory lieutenant of the pope, paid about eight thousand pounds sterling in ready money to the legate
  • The Bakufu insisted that to convey such a document direct from the Throne to a feudatory was a plain trespass upon the shogun's authority.
  • Before the Basha had left Tripoli he had been engaged in communications with Muley Hamid, the then King of Tunis, who was feudatory of Spain.
  • Duke Robert, oblat of the Church, was therefore no feudatory of the pope; he could not be so, since the popes were not the sovereigns of Rome.
  • Pyramid developed a general of unusual prowess called Tezozomoc, and under his leadership the Cactus People extended their fringe of feudatory states almost to Guadalajara.
  • They were declared vassals of the empire; but the emperor, Henry III., discontented with these feudatory conquerors, engaged Leo IX. to launch the excommunication at the head of an army of Germans.
  • There were ladies in search of necklaces, and men, it seemed to Kim — but his mind may have been vitiated by early training — in search of the ladies; natives from independent and feudatory Courts whose ostensible business was the repair of broken necklaces — rivers of light poured out upon the table — but whose true end seemed to be to raise money for angry
  • The following information concerning the government, &c., of fairyland, is taken from Aytoun: -- The queen of fairyland was a kind of feudatory sovereign under Satan, to whom she was obliged to pay _kave_, or tithe in kind; and, as her own fairy subjects strongly objected to transfer their allegiance, the quota was usually made up in children who had been stolen before the rite of baptism had been administered to them.

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