
IPA: fˈivɝ


  • A higher than normal body temperature of a person (or, generally, a mammal), usually caused by disease.
  • (usually in combination with one or more preceding words) Any of various diseases.
  • A state of excitement or anxiety.
  • (neologism) A group of stingrays.


  • To put into a fever; to affect with fever.
  • To become fevered.

Examples of "fever" in Sentences

  • Good luck and good night P.D. I hope your cabin fever is going away.
  • After a long winter and cabin fever is at its utmost limits, my wife's NAG goes into high gear.
  • He did have a little diarreha, but I think the fever is actually from a cold he's been slowly trying not to catch.
  • Bus rides are not even an option for me if for a duration, so I want/need the space to be able to breathe and enjoy more than the confines of a limited area - "cabin fever" is never far away.
  • I. ii.209 (16,3) [Not a soul _But felt a fever of the mad_] In all the later editions this is changed to a _fever of the mind_, without reason or authority, nor is any notice given of an alteration.
  • The report, aimed at calming what it calls "fever phobia," also says there is no evidence that lowering a fever will help a child get well faster, or that leaving a fever untreated could cause seizures, brain damage or death, as some caregivers fear.
  • Colds are caused by "the application of cold to the body giving a check to perspiration," influenza epidemics are "undoubtedly" due to the "state of the atmosphere," and brain fever is often caused by "night-watching, especially when joined with hard study."
  • Therefore, in the following pages I am giving an extensive description of fever from a biological standpoint, together with its dietetic treatment -- not _cure_ for, as will be seen, _fever in itself is not a disease, but the attempt of nature to get rid of a disease_.
  • Thus the term fever, is generally given to a collection of morbid symptoms; which are indeed so many distinct diseases, that sometimes appear together, and sometimes separately; hence it has no determinate meaning, except it signifies simply a quick pulse, which continues for some hours; in which sense it is here used.

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