IPA: fɪbrɪɫeɪt
- (intransitive) To make rapid irregular movements.
Examples of "fibrillate" in Sentences
- The atria continue to fibrillate, though, and anticoagulant medication is still required.
- As soon as we were out of sight, he began kissing me, stinging kisses that made my heart fibrillate.
- I want to be a cool mom like Sarah Connor, who can both make a mean pb&j AND fibrillate her own boob.
- She had a convulsion, her respiration grew slow and shallow, her heart began to fibrillate, and she passed inexorably into coma.
- When the heart begins to fibrillate, the ICD emits a jolt of electricity to disrupt the abnormal rhythm and restore the normal heart rate.
- So to see this guy climbing on to high-voltage power lines from a helicopter and not fibrillate his own heart is a wonder to behold, indeed:
- Indeed, increasingly in the United States, death has become the province of technicians, those who fibrillate and ventilate, trache and tube, plug and unplug.
- CHARLES WILMER, CARDIOLOGIST: He was so unstable that he would literally be shocked, go back into regular rhythm long enough to start to wake up, and then he would fibrillate lose consciousness.
- It was while * Wait was in this position that his heart began to fibrillate -- which is to say that its fibers began to twitch in an uncoordinated manner, so that the march of the blood in his circulatory system was no longer orderly.
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