
IPA: fɪbrɪɫˈoʊz


  • Covered with fibrils, such as fungi or the undersurface of some lichens.

Examples of "fibrillose" in Sentences

  • The veil is only seen in the young stage, and then is very delicate and fibrillose.
  • Pileus, scaly or warted.campanulate. silky, cracked or fibrillose.umbonate. umbilicate. striate.
  • +Stem+ nearly equal, 2 to 3 inches long, 2 to 4 lines thick, firm, hollow, slightly fibrillose, whitish or yellowish above, reddish-brown below.
  • On or close to stumps.] [Footnote 5: On rotten wood.] [Footnote 6: Almost free.] [Footnote 7: Often fibrillose or floccose.] [Footnote 8: Somewhat.]
  • It is, both outside and inside, of a whitish violet color, often fibrillose above, with the cortina, and sometimes with the white veil, in the form of a zone at the middle.
  • INOCYBE Fr. In the genus _Inocybe_ there is a universal veil which is fibrillose in character, and more or less closely joined with the cuticle of the pileus, and the surface of the pileus is therefore marked with fibrils or is more or less scaly.
  • Whereas Striga absorbs nutrients from the host plant without benefit for the host, mycorrhizal fungi perform a highly beneficial function: in return for invading the root cells of a plant and consuming some of the host plant's photosynthesized sugars, mycorrhizal fungi pass on water and nutrients, such as phosphorus, that the fungi absorb from the soil through their fibrillose hyphae.

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