IPA: fˈaɪbrʌn
- A white, albuminous, fibrous substance, formed in the coagulation of the blood.
- An elastic, insoluble, whitish protein produced by the action of thrombin on fibrinogen and forming an interlacing fibrous network in the coagulation of blood.
- An albuminous body, resembling animal fibrin in composition, found in cereal grains and similar seeds; vegetable fibrin.
- To apply fibrin sealant to a surgical site to either stop bleeding or for surgical flap closure.
Examples of "fibrin" in Sentences
- During the coagulation a fine-meshed network of fibrin is precipitated.
- They probably result from an excess of coagulability of fibrin, which is produced by an organization of the lymph during exudation.
- The flesh, on the other hand, will contain albumin, and some other substances which are very similar to albumin, termed fibrin and syntonin.
- The bleeding-control product, known as the fibrin pad, includes a spongy pad containing biologic materials that are clotting factors in blood plasma.
- The addition made by my artifices shall be albumen, as found in the egg of the Hen, albumen the isomer of fibrin, which is the essential factor in any form of prey.
- Blood clots form when platelets, usually smooth, produce tiny threads called fibrin, which is due to inflammation, according to the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
- The distinctive feature of Radient's Onko-Sure® blood test is that it measures the accumulation of specific breakdown products in serum (blood) called fibrin and fibrinogen degradation products (FDPs).
- In the vegetable kingdom, we have glutin, or vegetable fibrin, which is the nourishing constituent of wheat, barley, oats, etc.; and legumin, or vegetable casein, which is the peculiar substance found in peas and beans.
- It probably does not exist as such, but there are present in the blood certain substances known as _paraglobulin_ and _fibrinogen_, which by the action of a third substance, _fibrin ferment_ under certain circumstances, form fibrin and so cause coagulation.