IPA: fˈaɪbrʌs
- Of or pertaining to fibre.
- Containing many fibres - referring mainly to food.
- Having the shape of fibres.
Examples of "fibrous" in Sentences
- Instead, the titanium is simply encapsulated in fibrous tissue.
- Hence the latter have also been called fibrous or muscular layers.
- The outer sac, known as the fibrous pericardium, consists of fibrous tissue.
- "It presents," added the doctor, "all the indications of what we call a fibrous tumor."
- # -- Sometimes the fragments become united by a dense band of fibrous tissue, and the reparative process goes no further -- _fibrous union_.
- They therefore tend to become fibrous, which is why asparagus and broccoli stems often need to be peeled before cooking, celery and cardoon stalks deveined.
- When the fibrous stroma is greatly in excess -- _fibrous goitre_ -- the swelling is smaller, firmer, and shows a greater tendency to contract and compress the trachea.
- The roots of each look like a little bundle of strings or fibers, and are therefore called fibrous; the stalks you will find jointed and hollow; and the leaves are long and narrow, tapering to a point at their ends.
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