
IPA: fʌdˈuʃiɛri


  • (law) One who holds a thing in trust for another.
  • (theology) One who depends for salvation on faith, without works; an antinomian.


  • (law) Relating to an entity that owes to another good faith, accountability and trust, often in the context of trusts and trustees.
  • Pertaining to paper money whose value depends on public confidence or securities.
  • (nonstandard) Accepted as a trusted reference such as a point, value, or marker; fiducial.

Examples of "fiduciary" in Sentences

  • The word "fiduciary" comes from the Latin word for trust.
  • Indeed, the word fiduciary comes from the Latin word fides, meaning faith.
  • Every investment product or service ever devised by Wall Street and foisted upon the public demands what I refer to as a "fiduciary response."
  • The solicitor-client relationship thus created is, however, overlaid with certain fiduciary responsibilities, which are imposed as a matter of law.
  • "Having been in fiduciary positions in which I was responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars of the public's money, I've demonstrated proven ability."
  • In addition, the Department of Labor is looking at tightening requirements for advisors who serve the retirement market, including by raising the definition of fiduciary.
  • Your editorial accurately depicts what a Labor Department proposal to change the regulatory agency's definition of the phrase "fiduciary" might to do the retirement-investment industry.
  • We'll also be featuring a Research Room, "manned" by a bevy of bodacious, brainy beauties, who are fully "equipped" to give you insider tips about which games best suit your skills, value and long-term fiduciary goals.
  • The $146 billion joint bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund formalized earlier this week could take care of the country's short-term fiduciary problems, but major questions remain over how the country will look in the long-term, if it will ultimately be able to avoid default, and whether its problems will spread to other countries.

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