IPA: fˈɪfθ
- The person or thing in the fifth position.
- One of five equal parts of a whole.
- The fifth gear of an engine.
- (US) A quantity of liquor equal to one-fifth of an American gallon, or, more commonly, 750 milliliters (that is, three quarters of a liter).
- (music) The musical interval between one note and another five scale degrees higher (the fifth note in a scale)
- The fifth voice in a polyphonic melody.
- (chiefly US, informal, with the) The Fifth Amendment.
- (chiefly US, informal, with the, by extension) The right not to give self-incriminating testimony.
- (chiefly US) Fifth Avenue.
- (chiefly US) Fifth Street.
- (music) To sing in the fifth voice in a polyphonic melody.
- (transitive) To support something fifth, after four others have already done so.
- (transitive, nonstandard) To divide by five.
- The ordinal form of the number five.
Examples of "fifth" in Sentences
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