IPA: fˈɪgmɪnt
- A fabrication, fantasy, invention; something fictitious.
Examples of "figment" in Sentences
- "The biased liberal media" is a figment of the imagination.
- And she said no 'figment' because she could never imagine it happening
- So its just a "figment" of our imagination that European settlers knowingly screwed indigenous people over.
- God, Jesus, Buddha, Allah or whatever you call the figment of your superstitious mind are nothing but frauds.
- So elevation of either Pranab Mukherjee or AK Antony and their candidature can only be called figment of imagination.
- Besides, as often remarked, it is a human figment which is not commanded, and is unnecessary and useless; for the holy
- Cordoba House, which he called a figment of Gingrich's imagination, and the MSNBC host pointed out that the community center will be open to all New Yorkers.
- "Facebook didn't exist—and wasn't even a figment of Mark's imagination—at the time this fraudulent contract and many of the bogus emails are dated," said Mr. Snyder.
- A conclusion of rampant anti-Catholic bias in America, where the highest court in the land counts six Catholics among its nine members, could reasonably be described as a figment of somebody's over-hyped imagination.
- I do not mean that all who have written or spoken on the subject had this conception of it, but I believe they who thought truly meant this; they did not suppose that in imputing righteousness there was a kind of figment, a self-deception in the mind of God; they did not mean that by an act of will He chose to consider that every act which