IPA: fˈɪgjɝd
- (of a natural material) Having a pattern considered attractive appearing on a section.
- Adorned with a figure or figures.
Examples of "figured" in Sentences
- Martin figured what the book would earn him on such a sale.
- McCain figured correctly that he ought to run on his own merrit.
- “Rumors and innuendos, I’m told, in which your name figured prominently.”
- Wallin figured in the goals that put the Hurricanes ahead 2-1 after the first period.
- Plus, Heinlein figured there were certain virtues you†™ d learn in military service that might make you a better voter.
- I guess McCain figured I didn't support the amendment (I didn't), because his jaw clenched, his face turned red, and he launched into a tirade.
- Has Palin figured out that in order to put on all her makeup and meet the news cycle of the east coast, she is gonna have to wake up awful early?
- This beautiful bumpkin figured out that you can also conserve by decreasing the size of your bathtub — or, in this case, temporarily repurposing a washtub.
- Heinlein figured that those who choose to defend the political society they come from – a free one – have a pretty good understanding of the value of freedom, having defended it against real enemies.
- It may take more talent to invent a single melodic turn of phrase for the expression of a conceit to write the “air” or the “theme” of a chanson, than to place two, three, or more counterpoints against a cantus firmus and to write what one calls figured music, or a finished composition (chose faite), though the latter requires more learning
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