IPA: fˈɪgjɝɪŋ
- Calculation.
- Structure, design, or arrangement; figure.
- Representation.
Examples of "figuring" in Sentences
- The good senator is a little late in figuring this out, don't you think?
- Investigators appear to be back at square one in figuring out who that is.
- For whatever reason, there seems to be quite a bit of interest out there in figuring out what happens to birds after they die.
- Nor can they demonstrate any ability to provide better service through innovation; the only remaining room left to innovate is in figuring out how to deny claims.
- If short-term debt costs less than long-term, is it not reasonable to think of the mix as a sort of leverage that might reasonably be considered in figuring out where to go?
- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversee Medicare, typically follow at least 90% of its recommendations in figuring out how much to pay doctors for their work.
- An American Medical Association panel may drive up Medicare costs, report Anna Wilde Mathews and Tom McGinty: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversee Medicare, typically follow at least 90% of its recommendations in figuring out how much to pay doctors for their work.
- My thinking here is that the ‘wording’ of the law would be of paramount importance in figuring out whether or not a commerce clause issue could be legitimately invoked by opponents of HCR (not that such challenge would necessarily go in favor of opponents of HCR even if it was legitimately heard).
- David L. Altshuler, deputy director of the Broad Institute of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a co-chairman of the 1000 Genomes Project steering committee, said a large catalog is a critical tool in figuring out which genetic differences might increase risk of disease.