
IPA: fˈɪɫɝ


  • Having a thread across the field of view.

Examples of "filar" in Sentences

  • Place the filar micrometer and the stage micrometer in their respective positions.
  • For several thousand years the stars have been called "fixed," but the fine rulings of the filar micrometer tell a different story.
  • Rotate the screw of the filar micrometer until the movable wire coincides with the fixed one, and the index marks zero on the drum head.
  • Westfall, staring into the eyepiece of the filar micrometer, finished measuring the apparent size of the heptagon before he turned toward
  • Over 10,000 filar-micrometer and red light CCD measurements of Mars' north polar cap have been taken over the past 40 years, and they show that it has been shrinking.
  • A spider web, revealing its geometric perfection, hung half across one corner of the rude casement; the moonbeams without were individualized in fine filar delicacy, like the ravellings of a silver skein.
  • Wolf and Pritchard had, it is true, been beforehand with him; but the wide scattering of the grouped stars puts the filar micrometer at a disadvantage in measuring them, producing minute errors which the arduous conditions of the problem render of serious account.
  • Its segments are separable to the extent of 2°, and through the contrivance of cylindrical slides (originally suggested by Bessel) perfect definition is preserved in all positions, giving a range of accurate measurement just six times that with a filar micrometer.
  • All adown the desert aisles of the leafless woods the light lay with a flocculent glister like snow, so enhanced was its whiteness in the rare air and the blackness of the forest shadows -- spare, clearly drawn, all filar and fine like the intricacies of a delicate line engraving.
  • At one end of the drum are gear teeth, 1 mm. apart on centers, which can be made to engage a worm revolving a pointer in front of a dial graduated to hundredths; by means of this and a filar eyepiece, the distance between the start of the two rows of spark dots on the drum can be measured accurately to 0.01 mm.

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