IPA: fiɫˈɑriʌ
- Any of the parasitic nematode worms of superfamily Filarioidea that lives in the blood of vertebrates and is transmitted by insects: the cause of filariasis.
Examples of "filaria" in Sentences
- _Culex microannulatus_ regarded as the carrier of the filaria.
- Manson's theory in regard to the disease being caused by filaria.
- The _S. filaria_ is thread-like and the _S. refuscens_ hair-like in appearance.
- -- The two lung worms of sheep are the _Strongylus filaria_ and Strongylus_ rufescens_.
- These are the larval forms of the parasite and have been called by Le Dantec the micro-filaria.
- For example, filaria is widespread in the project area, including both river blindness and loa-loa.
- D. filaria, the large lungworm of sheep and goats, may occasionally be present and be a cause of a clinical pneumonia.
- Note: where Loiasis is endemic (West Africa), all treatment with diethylcarbamazine, should commence with 3 mg/kg x 2 days (protocole for Loiasis) whatever form of filaria is being treated.
- Manson was moreover guided by his experience regarding another parasite of the blood, a little worm, filaria, the transference of which from one part of its life-cycle to another he had found effected by the mosquito, and more particularly by special species of the mosquito.
- Soon after this, in 1879, the first conclusive proof of the direct transmission of a disease from man-to-man was presented by the father of tropical medicine, Sir Patrick Manson, with regard to filaria, a blood infection that often causes the repulsive condition known as elephantiasis and which the mosquito takes from man and after a short time gives over to another subject.