IPA: fˈɪɫʌtʃɝ
- The process of drawing fibres into threads, especially the process of reeling raw silk from cocoons.
- A spool or bobbin used for the above.
- A place where silk is reeled onto spools.
Examples of "filature" in Sentences
- One of the worst places to work was a silk factory, or filature.
- Simple filature, which, through an automated continuous production line, produces bales of fibers, or
- Officials say her death at a Green Bay hospital from kidney filature is linked to the E. coli outbreak that spread to at least 19 states.
- In one appalling calamity, a hundred women died in a fire that engulfed a silk filature because the owner had locked them in from the outside.
- In the “Thai Polyester Fiber” case we can analyze the multitude of problems encountered by two French firms involved in constructing and installing a $50-million polyester polymerization and filature plant in Thailand, in a joint venture with a major local business group.
- Lebec were to fly in from Bangkok, where they were working together on the construction and installation of the Thai Polyester Fiber Plant TPF, a 1-billion-baht1 polyester polymerization and filature factory.2 TPF was the joint venture between CST and the Yipsoon Group, a family-owned textile conglomerate based in Thailand, which owned or operated more than 50% of the Thai textile industry.