
IPA: fˈɪɫbɝt


  • The hazelnut.
  • The hazel tree.
  • A paintbrush used in oil and acrylic painting with a long ferrule and a curving, tongue-shaped head.
  • A surname.

Examples of "filbert" in Sentences

  • The European filbert which is grown so successfully in Oregon and
  • The cob nut, as they call the filbert, is very common there, grown in hedges.
  • Another brush that has recently come into fashion is called a filbert shape (Class D) by the makers.
  • In connection with our own hazel one would naturally think of the filbert, which is a European relative.
  • A nut having a husk which extended and came together beyond the end of the nut was called filbert, meaning beard.
  • Happily, though, we came in good season for the green filbert, which is gathered in the fall of the year, being known then as the
  • The name "filbert" is a corruption of "full beard" and is properly applied only to those nuts in which the husk extends beyond the nut.
  • The pecan, the Japanese walnut, European hazel or more popularly called the "filbert" have all been given limited trials at various times.
  • The filbert is the second highest in food value and I believe it is a nut adapted for a wider range of soils and climates in the North than any other nut.
  • The elder and the berberry will grow anywhere, and require no particular care in their culture; the filbert is only a variety of the common hazel, and both are generally grown on the borders of walks, where they are planted from five to ten feet apart, according as they are to be trained upright or spreading.

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